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Chairman Frank Ning Attended ABAC Conference and Visited Noble Agri Australia Release Time : 2015-09-09

On August 9-13, COFCO Group Chairman Frank Ning attended the third meeting of this year held by ABAC in Melbourne, Australia in the capacity of 2015 ABAC co-chair and expressed his opinion regarding the report and dialog plan to be delivered to APEC leaders by 2015 ABAC. About 90 members including ABAC delegates and alternate delegates from 21 economies attended the meeting. 

During the meeting, Frank Ning went to the office building of Noble Agri Australia, where he heard reports given by its management regarding the overall situation of Australia’s grain industry, the current status quo of Noble Agri Australia and its strategy of future development and proposed the general approach and specific requirements for the next stage of business consolidation. Frank Ning also held informal discussions respectively with Nidera Australia’s management and COFCO Tully’s management and heard their business reports.

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