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Shanghai Fortune in First List of “Component Enterprises of the Chinese Nutrition Industry Used to Compile Development I Release Time : 2012-03-20
The Public Nutrition and Development Center (PNDC) under the National Development and Reform Commission issued the first “Development Indices of the Chinese Nutrition Industry” and “Component Enterprises of the Chinese Nutrition Industry Used to Compile Development Indices” in Beijing November 15, 2005. The Shanghai Fortune Foodstuff Co., Ltd., a COFCO company, was included in the first “Component Enterprises of the Chinese Nutrition Industry Used to Compile Development Indices.”

This concept of the “nutrition industry” as used the by the Public Nutrition and Development Center is necessary for the overall effort to “develop a society that offers a comfortable life for all” and to improve nutrition among the general public. As a new industry, it is not yet generally recognized as a distinct entity and, up to now, no systematic statistics had ever been compiled on the industry. The Center has done a great deal of work carrying out surveys and compiling statistics in order to produce “Indices of the Chinese Nutrition Industry,” which is a guide to the current state of development and development trends of the industry.

The five types of enterprises included in this industry include enterprises producing nutritional compounds/nutritional additives, nutritional supplements, nutritionally fortified foods, health foods used as nutritional supplement/functional foods and high-nutrition foods. The list was generated following recommendations from the Association of Industry, the National Nutrition Improvement Program Office, the Public Nutrition and Development Center, well-known industry experts and the enterprises themselves. Included were over 50 multinational companies and leading domestic enterprises.
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